Hidden Facts of PHP

PHP is a fast, light and robust language that has full object oriented support and has the capability to create any sort of application. If you are new to PHP the following may help you to become more familiar with this great language faster.

Error Suppressant Operator: @ is the symbol used to suppress an error thrown by a function. For an example using @mysql_connect will suppress any error thrown by the function as oppsed to using mysql_connect.

Runtime Variable Assignment: && is the syntax used to create a variable dynamically.

Echo: Echo is used to display an output on the screen. Echo is by far the most widely used output statement in PHP and is often the most incorrectly used. Echo has the capability to take various arguments and strings separated by a comma which means that developers do not need to append the string variables.

Type Casting Variables: When you declare a data type and do not give enough hints for it’s data type, PHP automatically tries to assign a data type based on the type of data stored in the variable.

Script Execution Time: Some scripts that you write may need to run for much longer than normal and you don’t want to time out before the full script has run. To do this you can use the max_execution_time. Set_time_limit(0) directive from the php.ini file in order to execute your script for an unspecified time.

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